Friday 26 February 2016

Computer Control of Processes

About the Subject:

Process control is an engineering discipline that deals with architectures, mechanisms and algorithms for maintaining the output of a specific process within a desired range. For instance, the temperature of a chemical reactor may be controlled to maintain a consistent product output. 

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

State equation of discrete data system with sample and hold – State transition equation – Methods of computing the state transition matrix – System with zero-order hold – Controllability and observability of linear time invariant discrete data system–Stability tests of discrete-data system – State Observer - State Feedback Control-Transient analysis–Frequency analysis–correlation analysis– Spectral analysis – Parametric methods:- Least square method – Recursive least square method-Review of z-transform – Modified of z-transform – Pulse transfer function – Digital PID controller – Dead-beat control and Dahlin’s control – Smith predictor – Digital Feed-forward controller – IMC- State Feedback Controller - LQG Control -Multi-loop Control - Introduction – – Properties and Application of RGA – Multi – loop PID Controller– Biggest Log Modulus Tuning Method – De coupler -Multivariable control –Multivariable PID Controller -Multivariable IMC– Multivariable Dynamic Matrix Controller – Multivariable Model Predictive Control – Generalized Predictive Controller.

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Frequency Analysis

PID Controller


Kalam Scientist Team

Advanced Control System

About the Subject:

Advanced process control (APC) refers to a broad range of techniques and technologies implemented within industrial process control systems. Advanced process controls are usually deployed optionally and in addition to basic process controls. Basic process controls are designed and built with the process itself, to facilitate basic operation, control and automation requirements. Advanced process controls are typically added subsequently, often over the course of many years, to address particular performance or economic improvement opportunities in the process..

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

State Variable Design-effect of  state Feedback- Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Arbitrary Pole-placement- pole placement  Design- design of state Observers- separation principle- servo design: -State Feedback with integral control -Features of linear and non-linear systems - Construction of phase portraits – Phase plane analysis of linear and non-linear systems – Isocline method-Basic concepts, derivation of describing functions for common non-linearities – Describing function analysis of non-linear systems – limit cycles  – Stability of oscillations-optimal control- Time varying optimal control – LQR steady state optimal control – Solution of Ricatti’s equation -Optimal estimation – Kalman Bucy Filter-Solution by duality principle-Discrete systems-Kalman Filter.

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

State Feedback with integral control

Phase plane analysis of linear and non-linear systems

Kalam Scientist Team

Industrial Instrumentation

About the Subject:

Instrumentation is the variety of measuring instruments to monitor and control a process. It is the art and science of measurement and control of process variables within a production, laboratory, or manufacturing area. An instrument is a device that measures a physical quantity such as flow, temperature, level, distance, angle, or pressure. Instruments may be as simple as direct reading thermometers or may be complex multi-variable process analyzers. Instruments are often part of a control system in refineries, factories, and vehicles.

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

Expression for flow rate through restriction -Orifice plate  – Cd variation – pressure tappings – Venturi tube – Flow nozzle – Dall tube –averaging pitot tube – installation and applications of head flow meters -Positive displacement flow meters– Inferential meter – Calibration of flow meters-Principle and constructional details of Electromagnetic flow meter – Ultrasonic flow meters –  Open channel flow measurement – Solid flow rate measurement -Level measurement- Displacer type – Nucleonic gauge - Ultrasonic gauge – Boiler drum level measurement-Solid level measurement -Viscosity – Saybolt viscometer-Rotameter type viscometer – Consistency meters – Humidity - Dry and wet bulb psychrometers – Dew cell – Commercial type dew meter – Moisture measurement in solids-Conductivity sensor-Microwave and IR sensors. 

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Applications Of Head Flow Meters

Microwave and IR sensors

Kalam Scientist Team

Process Control

About the Subject:

Process control is an engineering discipline that deals with architectures, mechanisms and algorithms for maintaining the output of a specific process within a desired range. For instance, the temperature of a chemical reactor may be controlled to maintain a consistent product output. Process control is extensively used in industry and enables mass production of consistent products from continuously operated processes such as oil refining, paper manufacturing, chemicals, power plants and many others. Process control enables automation, by which a small staff of operating personnel can operate a complex process from a central control room. 

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

Need for process control –Interacting and non-interacting systems – Continuous and batch processes – Lumped and Distributed parameter models – Heat exchanger – CSTR –  Reset windup – Practical forms of PID Controller-I/P converter - Pneumatic and electric actuators – Valve Positioner – Control Valves – Characteristic of Control Valves– Modeling of pneumatic control valve – Commercial valve bodies – Control valve sizing – Cavitation and flashing – Selection criteria-Evaluation criteria –Tuning– Determination of optimum settings for mathematically described processes using time response and frequency response approaches – Ag-Feed-forward control – Ratio control – Cascade control – Inferential control – Split-range and introduction to multivariable control –IMC– Model Predictive Control – Adaptive control – P&ID diagram. 

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Adaptive Control 


Kalam Scientist Team

Modern Electronic Instrumentation

About the Subject : 

An electronic instrument or digital dash for short, is a set of instrumentation, including the speedometer, that is displayed with a digital readout rather than with the traditional analog gauges. Many refer to it simply as a digital speedometer. A measuring instrument is a device for measuring a physical quantity. 

Topics to be covered in this Seminar :

Electronic Voltmeter and their advantages –True rms reading voltmeter – Electronic multimeter and ohmmeter – Current measurement – Power measurement - Microprocessor based DMM with auto ranging and self diagnostic features -General purpose cathode ray oscilloscope – Dual trace, dual beam and sampling oscilloscopes–  Harmonic distortion analyzer – Spectrum analyzer -Wien’s bridge and phase shift oscillators – Hartley and crystal oscillators – Square wave and pulse generators – Triangular wave-shape generator - Signal and function generators – Q meter – Electronic Counters - Definition, flexibility –Virtual instruments versus traditional instruments – Software in virtual instrumentation - DAQ cards & DAQ modules with serial communication -General telemetry system – voltage, current and position telemetry systems –Radio frequency telemetry.

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

True rms reading voltmeter

Cathode Ray Oscillator

Wien’s bridge

Kalam Scientist Team

Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics

About the Subject:

Fluid dynamics is a sub discipline of fluid mechanics that deals with fluid flow—the natural science of fluids (liquids and gases) in motion. It has several sub disciplines itself, including aerodynamics (the study of air and other gases in motion) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion). Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and modelling fission weapon detonation.

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

Systems zeroth law, first law of thermodynamics – concept of internal energy and enthalpy applications to closed and open systems – second law of thermodynamics – concept of entropy – Basic IC engine and gas turbine cycles-- Boilers and its accessories– Basic thermodynamics of refrigerators and heat pumps.-Basics of Heat transfer-Introduction – classification – types of fluids – properties – laws of pressure – atmospheric, gauge, absolute pressure, pressure measurement – manometers – mechanical gauges. Types of fluid flow – velocity – rate equation of continuity – energy of a liquid in motion – Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s method- similitude - dimensionless numbers and their significance – similarity laws – model studies-reciprocating pump – construction details – co-efficient of discharge – slip – power required – centrifugal pump – specific speed – turbines.

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Law Of Thermodynamics

 Thermodynamics Of Refrigerators

 Thermodynamics Of Heater
Kalam Scientist Team

Object Oriented Programming

About the Subject:

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which are data structures that contain data, in the form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods. A distinguishing feature of objects is that an object's procedures can access and often modify the data fields of the object with which they are associated In OOP, computer programs are designed by making them out of objects that interact with one another but also the types of operations that can be applied to the data structure.

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

Why Object-Oriented Programming in C++ - Native Types and Statements –Functions and PointersImplementing ADTs in the Base Language-Data Hiding and Member Functions- Object Creation and Destruction- Polymorphism data abstraction: Iterators and Containers-Templates, Generic Programming, and STL-Inheritance-Exceptions-OOP Using C++-Data types, variables and arrays, operators, control statements, classes, objects, methods – Inheritance -Packages and Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded programming, Strings, Input/Output.

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

     Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Object-Oriented Programming in C++


Exception Handling

Array And Functions


Kalam Scientist Team